PL-300 Renew your Certification for free

The Power BI cert renewal exam experience

Good news – Renewing your PL-300 cert is free.

Here is the run down.

After you pass the initial exam, your cert is valid for 1 year. Then every year you’ll need to pass a renewal exam to keep it active.

You’ll get this email.

Here is a list of what I did to prepare.


I didn’t do anything. I just opened it up and started doing it. I knew there were unlimited re-takes, so I thought I’d knock it out, and if I failed I’d just try it again.

I passed the first go. It was all over in about 30 min.

The pass percentage is a low 57%, and most of the questions were easy. I couldn’t imagine anyone failing this exam, especially since there is no time limit and no proctor - meaning you can search online for research.

Microsoft states that it focuses on new features of Power BI. If you do want to do some training, here is the official free training.

Take away: Don’t stress about the yearly renewal, Microsoft want you to pass.

Cheers Shano.


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